It is a calendar contains events that are placed by the teaching staff and that are of public interest.
It is used to group three different types of events so that they can be quickly identified those of your interest; every event has attached an information that can be displayed By clicking on the event itself; the default view and that of the current month but can be viewed all events during the year, week or current day using the buttons on the navigation bar above the calendar.
The calendar has a navigation bar at the top through which you can move forward or backward in time and for a change in the views. Let's see in detail:
In the view "month" every day contains placeholder (colored dots), each of which represents an event; different colors correspond to different events. Moving the mouse over each of these placeholder, day corresponding to the duration of the event are colored and simultaneously appears a label that contains the title of the event; doing instead click, the black arrow that appears at the bottom of the box corresponding to the selected day, you can see all the titles of the events of the day.
In "year" view are shown, for each month, the total number of events for that month; clicking on the black arrow that appears at the bottom of the box corresponding to the selected month will see all the titles of the events in the month.
In "week" view are shown the set of events in the week, while the view "day" presents them highlighting the hours in which they take place. Those that are available to the entire day are in the highest place before everyone else.
With "Previous" and "Next" buttons you proceed forward or backward by one time unit, defined by the view itself (1 year, 1 month, 1 week, 1 day); button "Today" set the view so that it contains the current day.
Yes, the calendar is equipped with filters (in the right column) to show or hide the different types of events. By pressing one or more of these buttons events related to the category are removed/added to the view.
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