Marco Marigliano

Foto,  October 11, 2021
Associate Professor
Pediatria Indirizzo Diabetologico e Malattie del Metabolismo
Academic sector
MEDS-20/A - Paediatrics
Research sector (ERC-2024)
LS4_4 - Endocrinology

LS4_9 - Metabolism and metabolic disorders, including diabetes and obesity

LS4_7 - Nutrition and exercise physiology

marco|marigliano*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

Office Hours

Thursday, Hours 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM,  


Dr. Marco Marigliano is specialized in Pediatrics since 2009 at the University of Ancona. After his specialization he worked as a researcher at the Immunogenetics Division of the Department of Pediatrics of the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh (USA) in the field of pancreatic beta-cell transplants in subjects affected by Type 1 Diabetes. Since 2012 he has collaborated with the Center Regional Pediatric Diabetology (CRDP) of Verona, where he carries out clinical and research activities in particular in the field of new technologies applied to Type 1 Diabetes (insulin pumps and continuous blood glucose sensors). In 2013 he obtained the II level Inter-University Master (Parma-Verona) in "Management of Diabetes and related metabolic disorders in developmental age" and in 2017 he obtained his PhD in Multimodal Imaging in Biomedicine at the University of Verona with a thesis entitled "Application of new technologies in the treatment of insulin dependent diabetes in children: analysis of the flow and metabolic fate of substrates in the postprandial phase". He is a member of the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP) and of the Italian Society of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology (SIEDP) and of the related Diabetes Study Group. He contributed to the drafting of the Guidelines of the Society of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology (SIEDP) on insulin therapy and the use of technology in patients with Type 1 Diabetes.

He has over 55 publications indexed on PubMed in the field of clinical research in Pediatrics on type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, monogenic diabetes, nutrition, use of technology (automatic insulin release and glycemic monitoring) in patients with Type 1 diabetes , cardiovascular risk factors, epidemiology of T1D.


Modules running in the period selected: 11.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Bachelor's degree in Dental Hygiene (Rovereto) Dentistry and Children's Dental - Oral & Health Care (2024/2025)   7  eLearning PEDIATRIA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Pediatrics (2024/2025)   12  eLearning SEMINARI DI PEDIATRIA E DIDATTICA PRATICA DI PEDIATRIA [Gruppo Dott. Marigliano] (Didattica pratica di Pediatria)
SEMINARI DI PEDIATRIA E DIDATTICA PRATICA DI PEDIATRIA [Seminari Diabetologia pediatrica- Dott. Marigliano] (Seminari di Pediatria)
Bachelor's degree in Dental Hygiene (Rovereto) Dentistry and Children's Dental - Oral & Health Care (2023/2024)   7  eLearning PEDIATRIA
Postgraduate Specialisation in Paediatrics General and Specialistic Pediatrics 1 (2023/2024)   26    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (MARIGLIANO 1)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Pediatrics (2023/2024)   12  eLearning SEMINARI DI PEDIATRIA E DIDATTICA PRATICA DI PEDIATRIA [Seminari Diabetologia pediatrica- Dott. Marigliano] (Seminari di Pediatria)
SEMINARI DI PEDIATRIA E DIDATTICA PRATICA DI PEDIATRIA [Gruppo Dott. Marigliano] (Didattica pratica di Pediatria)
Bachelor's degree in Dental Hygiene (Rovereto) Dentistry and Children's Dental - Oral & Health Care (2022/2023)   7  eLearning PEDIATRIA
Postgraduate Specialisation in Paediatrics General and Specialistic Pediatrics 1 (2022/2023)   26  eLearning 0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (MARIGLIANO 1)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Paediatrics General and Specialistic Pediatrics 1 (2021/2022)   26  eLearning 0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (MARIGLIANO 1)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Paediatrics General and Specialistic Pediatrics 1 (2020/2021)   26  eLearning 0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (MARIGLIANO 1)

Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.

Research groups

Diabetes and Nutrition Research Group. The principle group research areas are diabetes, nutrition disorders, mainly obesity, as well as the most important complications of diabetes and obesity.
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
Pediatric diabetes Pathophysiology of Type 1 Diabetes in Pediatrics. Use of new technologies for the management of DT1. Pediatrics
